
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

dragon days movie review

 hey hi hello.

This will be different to what I normally do because I don't want to take a screenshot. Also starting tomorrow blogger will only allow people who are 18+ to blog so either we lie about our age or we use another method of sharing or we don't share at all. But the topic I will be sharing today is a movie review. I will copy paste all that I have written. So this will be really long but I don't really care if it is that long because it either means I did a really great job explaining it or I spoiled too much. But anyways here it is.

Dragon days is a movie based on the quote “never judge a book by it's cover”. It was made last term streamed live 2 times. We can only watch the recordings nowadays.

This movie is set in the village of stumbledorf, ironically they are very careful nah I’m just joking, where the people always stumble every 10-15 seconds. The village people live quite a normal life, the only minor difference being that there is a huge dragon living amongst these people.  The people were obviously scared and they exaggerated a lot too. One day a boy, named Tommy rumble, with his grandma went to stumbledorf village. Little did Tommy know he was part of a prophecy that said “mumble mumble mutter mumble, eye of newt and worm poo crumble, the village where the people stumble will be saved when comes a rumble”.  The villagers told Tommy everything and now Tommy trains really hard to save these people apart from the jealous boys. So the boys create a plan that forces Tommy to go up the mountain without much training and he does.

So now that Tommy goes up the mountain he is scared for his life. When he arrived at the cave of the dragon he tripped and fainted. Now this is the fun part. We meet the dragon, his name is gawaine, and the dragon EATS TOMMY THE END. Nah I’m just joking. I forgot to mention that there was a character who figured out that the boys played a trick and she stopped the dragon eating Tommy. So now the dragon sings a song about how she just wanted to be respected and treated the same way humans treat humans, aka terribly human interaction is getting worse and worse. The villagers saw some tweets on twitter and went up the mountain. Up there they figured out that gawaine wanted to be respected .

After they found that out they do respect gawaine. They go down the mountain happily with gawaines lead as he burns the snow in front of them. Every month they go up the mountain to visit gawaine and they lived happily ever after.

I did miss out one part but that was at the start I forgot who directed it okay. Well I didn't forget who it was I forgot her name.

If you think I could change something what is it?



Thursday, August 26, 2021

So I made a game on scratch

 Hey, Hi, Hello

I got sent a email by my teacher and he was a link to design technology. So I obviously went on scratch and made a clicker game. I made a short video showing and I also explained one of its features that I made and that was the main purpose of the video. I also made a video explaining the code because I got bored.

Anyways here are the videos.

the rounding up was hard because there isn't a block in scratch that would round up the numbers but I found a way.
If you think some things can be improved what is it?

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 hey, hi, hello

For writing today we had to make a article about anything. I don't know if it was suppose to be real but I made mine fiction. I don't have much to say but we learned the basic features off an article. You might recognize this layout from the news article I did last year but IT NEVER DIES.

Anyways here it is

here it is, I hoped you liked it. Now I am going to relax because I have been busy all day.

Sister Aroha and Mary chart

 Hey, Hi, Hello

IT'S THAT TIME WERE WE MENTALLY BREAK OURSELVES A.K.A LOCK DOWN YAYAYAYYA. But being serious I don't like it, but at least I can go on my devices to play games more to be honest.

For RE each day we do something. Today we watched a video and had to Answer 1 of the 3 questions. The Question I choose was "how is sister Arohas life like Mary's life?" It said to list the similarities and differences but I forgot about that part and made this chart(someone please tell me what this chart is called because I forgot thanks)

This was hard for me because I don't know anything about Mary's work so I didn't know much similarities.
If you could think of some please tell me because I want to know thanks.
How was your lockdown so far? yeah could not relate.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Orana Park cats.

 Hey, Hi, Hello

Yesterday the year 7 and 8's went on a trip to Orana Park. It was amazing, we learned about a lot of different animals. The teachers shared the pictures with us. There were so many animals but I can't type it all so I am going to talk about the cats.

We saw the lions first. We saw 2 male lions and 2 female lions. It was sad because the male lions didn't have manes. Because they had something to make them have no testosterone so they won't inbreed. But they need testosterone to develop manes. Lions are social animals which means they have to work together to survive and they don't like being alone. Also female lions are very lion racist because female lions like males with dark long manes. The females would attack the male lion if the male lion doesn't give them any food. When a male lion takes over a pride(a lion group) the new male would kill all the cubs because they weren't related to him. The king of the pride would kick out 2 year old male cubs because that's the time they mature and they could inbreed . So If you think about it the lion king is pretty inaccurate and weird. A lion roars can go over 2.5 miles Here is a picture. 

I only just realized how long this would be so darn long. Let's move on. I am going to talk about the complete opposite of a lion. The Tiger.

Today I Learned Tiger Skin is Striped Just Like Its Fur » TwistedSifter
here Is a picture of their skin.
The Tiger is a solitary animal which means they live alone unless they are going to mate or the mother is taking care of the child. Under the tigers fur they have stripy skin. Lions, Tigers and most cats have retractable claws which means their claws can go in and out. Tigers are the only cats that like water.

The cheetahs, like tigers, are also solitary. Cheetahs are the only cats that can't retract their claws. Cheetahs are the fastest animal on land. The wild cheetahs can go over 100km/h. Cheetahs use their tales to steer. Cheetahs also put their front legs to the back and put their back legs to the front for big strides. Cheetahs can go 4 strides per second.
10 top cheetah facts! | National Geographic Kids

Those are all the cats we saw. They were so cool unlucky we didn't see the cheetahs run.
There was also a well that said make a wish so I asked for a bo- girlfriend. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

biodiversity diagram

 Hey, Hi, Hello

The "what is an ecosystem?" post was my second task so you might be wondering "why didn't you post your first task first instead of your second?" well that's because it is a diagram so I drew instead. I don't know if you can read the words from your device because my hand writing is really bad. But that is okay because I will explain it under the photo. Wait I didn't even explain what it is yet. Well for the first task I choose the "make a diagram explaining what biodiversity is" that's it. I also went out of my way to make pretty.

I realized now you can't read it. So basically biodiversity is all of the plants and animals working together to keep the ecosystem alive. If one major factor dies the ecosystem will probably die. If 1 minor factor dies that ecosystem will most likely get used to it and live one. That is a short explanation. 

I think I should have added a bit more effort.

Do you like my image? If so go tell me in the comments.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Tree diagram

 Hey, Hi, Hello

For the pests task the teacher said that we had to do anything that relates to our work so I asked "can we do a tree diagram because we learned about the different parts of a tree?" and the teacher said "yes". Not much of an introduction because it is all about this picture.

This took 30 minutes this was so hard. You might be wondering "why is it so hard?" because I did this nonstop with a touch pad.
Did I miss anything? If I did let me know.

What is an ecosystem?

 Hey, Hi, Hello 

For the our biodiversity tasks I choose activity were we have to explain what an ecosystem is. You might be wondering "how does biodiversity and ecosystems connect to each over" I kinda explained that in the doc I wrote it in. Anyways here it is.

If you missed the part on how biodiversity connects to ecosystems it is basically that without ecosystems biodiversity wouldn't exist.
This was really hard for me to write because 1. I can't explain what things are well and 2. because ecosystem has a very short meaning but I managed to write down as much as I could think of.
Do you think I could have change anything? if so let me know at the comment section.

math art

 Hey Hi Hello

Today we did math art. To be more specific symmetry. We had to draw a four course insect meal paired with symmetry and a side of patterns. The insect I choose is the most useless insect ever according to google, can you guess what it is I am gonna give you 3 seconds. Wait you can just read the rest, whatever it is the butterfly. I choose the butterfly because it was the first insect that came to mind. The first butterfly I drew was too small so I restarted and got this.

This was hard for me because It was hard to see all the lines the the light box.
So the moral of the story is patterns are hard.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

a simple code I want to share

 hey hi hello.

I played around on scratch and I made a simple code and I want to share it with you people. If you didn't know scratch is a programming device and you can share it with the world. I really like scratch but anyways here is the video. The video has a bit of explanation but it is through text so you have to pause it.

This was really easy to understand for me because I am a long time user of scratch and I am really interested on coding.

I really hoped you liked it. Bye.

Monday, July 5, 2021

matariki work part 2

Hey hi hello

This is a part 2 from the last blog post. If you haven't seen it just scroll down this isn't YouTube. Basically we had a different type of matariki work. It was like a tic tac toe sort of work. But the teachers said just pick 3 out of these 9 and if you're done with 3 do more. So me and Ari made a machine that grabs the fruit from the trees.
Here it is
if you look closely you can see a description.
I think it was hard just thinking of something to draw but the description was easy until we knew what to draw.
do you want to use this machine?
anyways have a great day

Wednesday, June 30, 2021


 Hey Hi Hello

it is always the same thing every year doing Matariki work. But my class did something different. we could choose 3 out 9 task to do. I did a Matariki DLO telling the story of Matariki. the other two was researching the foods they ate for Matariki and making a menu relating to what I researched. Me and Ari did the last 2 together.

but anyways here is the DLO and the food related task.

this was a bit hard because a lot of sites were block because are connection was not private.

we made are own meals and desserts because we are originally.

anyways goodbye

Faith Art

 Faith Art

Hey Hi H3llo

Ever since the student teachers we were learning about culture and tradition and the cultures faith in God. and we are on key idea 5, there are 6 key ideas, key idea 5 is all about faith. We watched a video about faith and other things but we only watched 2 parts of it and we could choose 1 of three tasks. Me and my buddy Ofa did some faith art on our Chromebooks.

anyways here it is

Learning about faith was a bit hard because it is kinda hard to understand. I feel like that I should add more but I don't know how to describe it well.
Anyways have a great life Goodbye.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Making connections

Hey hi hello, Since I can't express my voice through text to express my emotions I write it.

(in a dark, gloomy, shadowy, murky, depressing, dishearted, sepulchral voice) For the past 1 week all of the reading groups in my class has been learning the strategy "Making Connections." Making connections is a strategy to understand the story by experiencing it your self in one point of time in your life so you know how the character feels.

Think this. A character is going to got skydiving or going on a zip line, the character feels nervous but excited at the same time. Now if you ever felt that way you know how the character feels so you can relate and understand their emotions.
A more relatable one is going to school for a first time.

At first the task seemed easy, but it wasn't, not long after I got the hang of it. One thing I could change is what words or sentences I need to use to get the right answer because for some reason I got something totally different just to get the answer. I also had to do this sheet.

My sources are :, I do have another source but my school had to get access to it. Which means they most likely got permission. But its called "bek's literacy hub".

Friday, May 14, 2021



but whats next I feel nothing now what should I do I achieve my goal whats next? there is nothing left to do.
I am successful but I feel nothing. My whole hour spent on getting 100,000 But nothing left to do.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Kratos' axe from the game gods of war

hey hi hello

this is a recreation of kratos' axe from gods of war. I skipped that finer detail but to make up for it I make a gif. I don't want to post it because its quite trash but here is the picture.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

St Bernadette journal entry

 Hey hi hello

Today I completed my other work and the teacher before hand told us what to do. It was a journal entry about an important part of Bernadette's life. But there is one rule, we had to pretend to be Bernadette. For this I choose Bernadette's first vision of Mary at the grotto. I went into detail... a bit, ok nothing much happened but this is what I wrote.

This wasn't entirely easy because there are some parts where I got confused but I through in the end.
Here is all the links that I linked in the last post because those are the same place I learnt this
do you think I should improve it? if so what should I improve?

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

St Bernadette's News article

 Hey hi hello

For the past 1 day we were learning about St Bernadette's. We learned about her past. Me and Angel wrote a news article about her at the grotto. We had to write it like we were interviewing Bernadette Soubirous. I wrote it, JUST KIDDING ANGEL DID THE WORK, but I did help with the design. I couldn't really do much with the design because Angel just made a copy of her old news article from last year. Anyways here it is.

this wasn't hard because Angel did the work but I did some of the other stuff. That's why the ads are so high quality.
I need to the actual work that's what I need to work on.
this is the link to where we learnt all of this.
I don't know you you can't see it so here is the sites and videos we had to read or watch that I know you will be able to access.
Did you learn anything new about her that you didn't know?If so leave it down in the comments?

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Anzac day, again

 Hey hi hello

So for this year for ANZAC day we learned about how animals were used in war. We had to use a newspaper generator to right about it. It adds random stuff to it when you generate it so when it starts talking about International Moose Count Underway that's when you know to stop reading because its most likely fake. I won't go too in depth about what I wrote about because it is on the newspaper but it's about horses and What they go through.

This was hard because I don't like reading and I read more than what I wrote.
If you use this website what are you going to write about?
I might write about shrek yeeting donkey off a bridge.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Easter triduum

Easter triduum

Hey hi hello.

Short summary we learned about the easter triduum, short summary all the events that happened in holy week.

This might be my longest blog post so keep on reading please.

We made concertina pictures that relate to holy week. Here is mine.

Thanks to my teacher she took this video because I don't know if I am allowed to stand on a table.
The process:
1. create 2 images
2. colour the images to look pretty.
3. cut the images evenly.(if the paper is an A4 paper cut it 3 centimetres.)
4. glue the stripes alternatively.
5. fold it like a fan.
if you have any questions comment below.
The pictures I chose is about Jesus' tomb and he last supper, and I'm gonna talk about it because its the two I most understand.
The last supper:
This was Jesus' last meal before he died(supper is another name for meal). Jesus' cleaned his disciples feet. Jesus said "someone here is going to betray me, I will give this bread to the person who is" Then Judas ran out of the room in panic. Jesus took the bread and wine and said "this is my body and blood." Then they ate.
The third day after Jesus' death:
3 women were visiting Jesus' tomb. Then they figured out that Jesus wasn't there and there was a angel who told them that Jesus was alive. So they went to the disciples to tell them the good news of Jesus' resurrection.

This work was easy because I got the teacher to help me cut it out while I glued it on.

Are you going to make a concertina picture? if so what are you going to draw.

Monday, March 15, 2021

my pepeha

Hey hi hello

For 3 weeks we have been doing a pepeha,
Its basically an introduction, with:
name and last name(we had to block out are last name)
your mountain
your river
anyways heres mine
Will you make one?

Friday, March 12, 2021

Why people use blogs

Hey, hi, hello

This week and last week we were learning why people use blogs. We had to make comic strips about this topic.
Here is mine:

Now I am up to step for on how to make a good blog post and it is reflection.
Short summary it was easy.
here is the link where I got the picture:
Did you find this helpful?

Thursday, February 25, 2021

all about me 2021

 hey hi hello

last year on Feb 24th exactly 1 year and 1 day ago I made all about me 2020, now I'm doing it again. We had a different layout from the start but it was too personal so we just created our own layout. Here is my all about me 2021. I don't really need to right more about this introduction because the title is pretty self explanatory.

Monday, February 22, 2021

reading activites

 Hey hi hello

Good morning, afternoon or night either way hope you had or have a great day

For the past 4 weeks we have been working on a story called oakley creek. I already finished it because it was one of those stories that came in a book with other stories, you know those school journals. Anyways my group made a slide about the book here is mine, I asked my teacher if I had to post it so I did but she said just one ___. I don't know what she said but imma just do the whole slide so when I update the slide this would update too.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Kawa of Care

 Hey, hi, hello

Good morning, night or afternoon either ways hope you had or have a great day.

Today we revise on the Kawa of care a contract for both Students and parents about the safety of the students device.

Me and my class looked at the simplified version for the students, for the task we had to make a DLO(digital learning object) about the Kawa of Care. In short remake the Kawa of Care and put it on our blog

for the people saying the picture is gonna be copy right strike its not, its from unsplash a website with copyright free images