
Monday, November 30, 2020

why I think Deku has a quirk

 why I think Deku has a quirk (not one for all) and another thing.

(this was all done by watching film theory not actually watching the show(mostly))

So after getting information from film theory I think Deku has a quirk. Now in the video it explains why he thinks all might has a transformation quirk. That led me to believe that Deku has a quirk. This quirk is very useful in battle.

     Just a little bit of back story, 80 percent of the world population has a quirk but Deku aka Izuku Midoriya is in the 20 percent that doesn't have a quirk. Deku has a hero analysis book thing with all of the heroes and other people with their quirk, all of this is analized by Deku.

     When all might was explaining how one for all was created. He mentioned that all for one brother had a secret quirk of passing down quirks. But people thought he had no quirk so all for one gave him a portion of his quirk somehow.

    Now this is very important, this alone explains that people can have secret quirks. So what if a small percentage of the people that don’t have quirks actually have a quirk and they will find out or not.

    So the moment you’ve all been waiting for Deku’s quirk is analysing. It says in paragraph 2, more specifically this sentence,  “Deku has a hero analysis book with all of the heroes and other people with their quirk, all of this is analyzed by Deku.”


Thursday, November 26, 2020


 hey hi hello.

for the past 2 weeks me and Jared plus Ezra has been working on a camp NEWS article. get in mind this is fake. enough writing here it is. the slide is the trampoline ad. and please act like your actually buying a trampoline. If i used images from google it would be copyright strike.

this was kinda hard because I missed out on the first lesson about this because I was in a small group of people that went somewhere learning about fires emergency police and stuff like that. Another reason I find it hard because 3 people were working on it and we all had different ideas.
It was even more hard because I could use pictures from google that isn't copyrighted, so it had to be low quality pictures.
AND HOW WAS YOUR DAY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Hey hi hello

Ever a few weeks after the amazing food I MEAN CAMP we have been writing camp stories. you could either do a boring one like I COULD SEE or I COULD HEAR, or a more complicated one. My stupid brain decided to do the complicated one. Get in mind I didn't want to post this to my blog but I had to. We had to pick only 3 activities.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Good morning or afternoon or night or evening whatever time it is hello.

For the past term we have been doing work on a book called Petronas. We had to do activities on it but we are no gonna talk about that, no no no because that is boring but what we are gonna talk about is the activities we had to at the end because that's were we can actual draw.

note: these aren't gonna be high quality because I am lazy but I actual wrote what was going on so I hope you like it.

note 2: I am just gonna put all of these into one post because I forgot to do it earlier.

did you like them and how was your day?

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

what is media(me-de-ah)

Good morning or goodnight or good afternoon what ever time it is hello.
We have been learning for cyber smart to classify different forms of media. Media comes in many different forms  such as print media, broadcasting media and online media.
     Me and my buddy Stan have made a venn diagram that shows the different types of media. Here it is.

this was super easy because I understand it really well.
it says here to write a question okay
did ya learn anything?
and how was your day?

Friday, September 18, 2020

feel-good flappy bird

 Hey hi hello

"Fridays with Mrs. Sumpter"

today my class went on

We had to pick a activity we can code and when we finished all the challenges we get a certificate and a link to our game we coded.

I did a flappy bird one (hints the title) and I will call it feel-good flappy bird, the reason it's called that because you start of with a lot of points. It is normal flappy bird but we change it.

this was really easy because I have a better understanding of drag and drop coding, partial because it literately says what it does, but the other part because I understand the idea of things way faster than most of my friends. I didn't need help, but the only help I needed was what to choose. You see I'm not a picker type of person, the only thing I am good with picking is food, the reason being is I am a picky eater.

I think I did really well in it was really fun. 

here is a link to my flappy bird game "feel- good flappy bird"

do you like my game?

my kowhaiwhai

hey hi hello
for the past few Fridays with Miss Sumpter we made kowhaiwhai patterns.
while learning about it we made our own. we also had to make a doc about it.

this was hard because I am not an art person.
I keep on going because this was very very very VERY fun.
will you make one?

T3W1 friday's with Mrs Sumpter

Hey, Hi, Hello
In the first Friday of term 3 Mrs Sumpter us about compasses and the directions.
for our work we had to put the right animals in the right area in a zoo.
We did this because he theme of this term is pirates and maps need compasses and pirates have maps and compasses

We had to use the directions to put the animals in the right place you can read it if you want to understand me better if you want to.
I will do more of these to improve this new found talent
will you learn about compasses? Will I hope you do because you might get lost but you have a map but to use the map you need to know how to use a compass if you don't know how to use one you will never get to use the map properly

pirate ship


Friday, September 4, 2020


Hey hoi hello
Today we learned about scale. But what is scale? For example in the world map, to get from the south island of NZ to the north. It would be a long distance, but we can't really put that the exact distance onto a map so we use scale to measure it (e.g 10 miles = 1 cm on the paper) so that's what we did for our class room. We measured the class room it was 9 m long and 7 m wide. On the piece of paper we wrote 1 m=2.5 cm and 20 cm = 0.5 cm. we were allowed to do other objects too like a desk. This was kinda confusing for me but I understood after.

Will you do one? If you do what will you measure like your bedroom?

Thursday, September 3, 2020

portrait of my dad


he said that he like it stopped before I got his reaction

Monday, August 31, 2020

journal entry writning

 Hey hi hello

For 2-3 days we had been making some free writing but we had to choose what we wanted to do from a list.

This was kinda hard because it has hard to choose what to choose and what to write so I improvised. This was my plan I would have a 3 day journal entry with 2 of the other chooses and the last one would not be related with any of the chooses.
here is the chooses:

 Do you like my story? if you do leave a comment!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

cyber smart lesson 3

 hey hi hello

for the past  week we have been on book creator to make online books about spam - how to deal with them and online conversion. we used it to create a book on how to deal with spam. to find the lesson click here

what i know about spam is that it is a person or bot giving a link to a abusive website or inappropriate on. To know if it is a spammer if it has no blog spot. if you are in this situation tell your teacher they will know what to do. the slide deck on slide three tells you exactly what to do.

to have a online conversion you need to find a person that has the same interest or a question you want to ask and they should hopefully respond back, or they find you and have a question or have the same interest.

click here to view my book about spam.

here is what the cover looks like

click here to view my book about a online conversion.

here is the cover looks like

this was super easy to make because I knew what spam was before the lesson
I like it because it was easy to use.

did you use book creator before? if you have add a link to your book!
do like my book?

Friday, August 14, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

blog commenting

What I know about blog commenting is that you can make voice speech/video comment.
You can improve your social skills, improve typing/writing skills, you can share opinions online to other people and you should never be mean.

Last week we learned how to put a link in a comment.

<a href="insert URL here">Insert display text here</a>

where it says "insert URL here" delete that part and paste a link

where it says "Insert display text here" delete it and type what you want to say e.g (click here to listen/watch)

will you put a comment with a link? give a try

Friday, August 7, 2020


Hey hi hello
For the past 2 days my class has been doing some art more specifically a zentangle. Click here to learn about it. We learned different types of lines and neg/pov space hot and cold colors before doing our zentangle.
We did this because later on in the term we will make zentangle landscape.
Here is some of mine.
This was hard for me because I am not a good artist but practice makes perfect.
Do you have any feedback?
And will you do one?

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

pirate for hire

For ye past 4 days our class has been writing a pirate for hire poster since one of our crew members has been missing. (I will stop with the pirate language) Me and Mark have been working on this together here is me and Marks one.

click here for the lesson.

Friday, July 31, 2020

pirate sword

hey hi hello
for the past two weeks we did pirate work activities. me and mark has made a pirate sword and now I will describe it.
it is a ninja sword but lets just pretend it is a pirate sword. I designed it with my name and some blood and i also made it a chief but that is in process to make better.
this was really hard because it has a lot of steps to it.
resource: ninja sword
will you make one??

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

go pro test

this is a gopro test with my friends old gopro hero3  3+
and I will record all my videos for this blog on

quality comments

hey hi hello
todayyyyy we learn about quality comments

this is how I will use this as in example
your comment needs to have a greeting like this guy or gal
it also needs to be positive like this comment
it needs to be thoughtful and helpful.
finally a question.

I find this hard because there is too many steps that my brain can't comprehend
But I got through it at least
here is the source: source
do you find this hard?

Monday, July 6, 2020

a funny joke

comment if you thought this was funny

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Monday, June 29, 2020


watch the video here:
comment your score

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Grow Your Own Crystal

2 or 1 days ago "we started grow your own crystals" work. first we had to read how to make crystals. after we opened up a new doc and list the equipment and ingredients separately. next we had to write the instructions and after every instruction it has to start with a action word, it had to be in 8 steps too.
here is my one:
this was hard because there was a lot of rules we had to follow so I didn't want to bore you.
I keep going because it was intres.... cool that's what I mean
where I found the info:how to grow your own cyrstal
P.S I forgot the name of the book so I linked that one

Monday, June 22, 2020

ze bearded dragon

for the past week or two we have been learning to paraphrase. paraphrasing is putting things into your own words. first we had to paraphrase information about a okapi then we could animal. I choose a bearded dragon. we had to make a doc for our classroom wall then make slide for our blogs so here is my slide.

this was hard because the paragraphs was long sort of, and I don't like reading. and it didn't have all the info we need so we had to search in google.
I keep going because it was very fun.

where I found the info:

Thursday, June 18, 2020

how to multiply fractions

hey hi hello
this week for math we had to learn how to multiply fractions. it was really easy to learn even easier to add.
and we didn't learn how to simplify
this is the website I learned: multiplying-fractions
did you understand?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

self portrait in another universe

Hey hi hello
last week we learned how to draw a cartoon version of myself
we had to make a google drawing watch a video step by step.
First we had to take a picture of our self and import it into the google drawing. Second we had to out line our face and hair. Then outline the shading. after the mouth ears and eyes. We had to make it all transparent first.
Next we had to get a colour picker to get the colours of our face to colour in the face and shade. When we had coloured every thing we had to get rid of the outlines and picture. Last of all if it needed editing we had to fix it. Then we have our final result.

here is my picture
it was hard because we had to stop to watch the next step
I keep on going because it was fun and it still looked like me even thought I had to make my hair brown instead of black to make it look good
I learned while doing this is that drawing cartoon characters is hard
I had a few mistakes because I added to much detail before that made it look ugly so I learned not to add to make much details
I tried hard to make it look like me

here are the links to make your own:

will you make one?

Friday, June 12, 2020

T2 Geometry

hey, hi, hello
for 3 weeks I have learned about geometry with Mrs. Sumpter.
we learned about angles, 2d shapes and transformation
we had to make a slide about it here is mine

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Diseases DLO

this week my group learned about unwanted visitors as in diseases. We learned why we don't want them.
I got the info in School Journal level three may 2019.
here is my version only in the diseases.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

private info DLO

hey, hi, hello
this is a slideshow about private and Personal info that we had to make because we are learning about smart footprints online.

this was challenging kind of because I can't explain things well and I had to explain really well.
I keep on going because Ari was here to help so he can do half of the work.
I learned that it is really important to keep safe online.
where I found the info:Digital Footprint and Online Reputations
did you learn anything today?

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

water cycle DLO animation

hey hi hello
today me and mark finished the water cycle work
note: I did all the work apart from the music
note: hold down the -> button
note: if you see words and you missed it go back and READ
thank you, hope you enjoy

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

All about me 2020

hey hi hello
today in cyber smart we had to make a all about me slide with my favorite things etc

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

a heart-warming story

I saw mark post one of these and I subbed to this guy when he had his first 1,000 subs so I am gonna post one too and I already saw all of them
his channel: Dhar Mann
the video

this is my favourite


yesterday we had to make a poster on how to save the earth and me and Ari(my buddy) just finished it and here it is

pick-a-path story

Monday, May 18, 2020

stuff I did in lockdown

A drag and a brag : the drag was my sister(she was annoying) my brag was MACCAS

Someone I enjoyed with in lockdown: my mum. What happened : she helped me bake

The best day in lockdown: when I got MACCAS

What was my favourite meal : MACCAS

What is the funniest thing that happened: when I stubbed my toe because my dad came in with MACCAS

Extra words just for the word count and for fun I hope the teacher doesn’t see this plz don’t see this wait if you saw this message you obviously saw this plz don’t get me in trouble ok good 10 6words

Friday, May 15, 2020

Thursday, May 14, 2020

about St Matthias

Saint Matthias, (flourished 1st century ad, Judaea; d. traditionally Colchis, Armenia; Western holiday February 24, Eastern holiday August 9), the disciple who, consistent with the biblical Acts of the Apostles 1:21–26, was chosen to interchange Apostle after Judas betrayed Jesus.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

nature wristband

hello today for my R.E we had to make a nature wristband here it is
it is just leaves

Friday, May 8, 2020

Happy Mother's Day

Some of the children in Room 5 contributed to a Mother's Day slideshow. We hope you like it!

MORE science ft my sister and lennypede

hey hi hello
today me and my sister did this science experiment it was the easiest one watch the video

╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ═╝

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Scripture Stories about Mary

Hi Readers,

This is Mrs Lambie, posting on behalf of Charles who is resting this afternoon with a sore back. Feel better soon Charles!
Charles completed this RE task earlier today and I thought it was too good not to be shared!

The task was to choose a story about Mary from Scripture and retell it either by role playing, creating a comic strip or creating a rebus. Charles chose to create a comic strip of Luke 1:26-38.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

hey hi hello
today I found a speed typing website and I was wondering if anyone can beat my time in this video
but if you feel like it beat my highest time: 6.098 seconds

Friday, May 1, 2020

making oobleck

today we made oobleck for a science experiment
these are the things I learned:
oobleck is a solid and liquid
a solids particles are all together as a group
a waters particles are spread around
a gases particles are fast and always solo

here is a picture
oops that's a screenshot. my mum sent the photo.
this is a physical change because we didn't add heat or anything to make a chemical change

my paper hovercraft

my paper hovercraft
today I made a paper hovercraft for my science experiment here's a photo
while making this post my dad came in and got busters you know the rip-off of nerds
he needed to go to the dairy to get an ingredient for something I will post later again

Thursday, April 30, 2020

my paper crane

hello this is my paper crane

ways to bring peace into your bubble
1. lay down and listen to soft music
2. meditate
that's all the things I do to bring peace in my bubble

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My Alleluia Acrostic Poem


A role model

Simple Sentences

What is a simple sentence? A simple sentence is a sentence that has a subject (noun) and an action (verb). It is its own sentence so no joining words (a word like and).
Here are three examples

The game was annoying.
The zombie ate brains.
The app was scamming people for money


in the lock down we had to do some reading work. my group did bedbugs and we had to do 5 follow up activities. we only had to share one so this is the one that I would share

Friday, April 24, 2020

Anzac activities

 what is the last post? why is it important? The Last Post. In military tradition, the Last Post is that the sign that signifies the top of the day's activities. it's also sounded at military funerals to point that the soldier has gone to his final rest and at commemorative services like Anzac Day and Remembrance Day.

when is it played? 6 AM

math DLO

Hey hi hello.
Today I will show you a strategy for solving addition questions like 974+326.
I will use column addition. The best time to use this is when you have numbers that are too large to work out using a mental strategy like tidy numbers.
Sorry for my low voice, my mum was sleeping.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

how to do basic html

hey hi hello
this was in my free time so I made this video to teach you about basic html here it is.
and the < is shift+ the comma button and the > is shift+the full stop button

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

2 more google easter eggs

hey hi hello today I will show you 2 more google easter eggs
and sorry for the bad audio quality because I was using my Bluetooth headphones and sorry for the background noise my mic can go hear 2 stuff 2 meters away.

what I want to be when I grow up

I wanna be a video game creator.

it says write a story so here is my story
so I make a game then 6 weeks later it is really popular over 10m+ people are playing. But to play it you have to pay 5 dollars on steam. And I only made this game for the gamers.
That's a short story because I want it to be short because that's the future and I don't wanna predict.

3 reasons I want that job:
1. because I want gamers to have more games to play
2. I am want to learn coding and making a game has code
3. I get to learn how to use softwares to make a game.

Monday, April 20, 2020

2 google easte eggs

today I show you 2 google Easter eggs
here they are

Friday, April 17, 2020

how to import data from your phone to laptop

hey hi hello. Today I showed how to import data from your phone to laptop.
you need:laptop, phone and a charging cable.

There was another way but that required download with you wanted to use it.


This Friday we had to do science at home. We were learning about chemical and physical change. A chemical change is when its a new substance it is a entirely new thing. But a physical change is when nothing changes about the object, like ripping a leaf nothing changes about that its just ripped.
We had 4 options of experiments we had to do, we could do one or multiple. I picked the last one it was titled color changing milk and the milk changing wasn't the main subject. it was how soap works.

I have images I took on my phone to describe what happens.
the ingredients are: dish soap, plate, milk, one or more colors of food dye, milk and a cotton swab
step one add milk onto the plate.
step two add one drop of each color in the center if you add to much it is o.k
step three add the soap to the cotton swab.
step four last but definitely not least put the cotton swap where in the center of the milk and if you have it like this just mix a little bit and then dip it in.
all of this is a chemical change because
milk is formed of mostly water but it does contain vitamins, minerals, proteins and tiny droplets of fat. The fat and proteins are super sensitive to changes within the milk and then when the dishwasher detergent is added a chemical change occurs. The soap and fat work flat out to hitch together, which causes the movement. When coloring is added we are ready to witness this chemical change occurring - the colors begin to spread faraway from the dishwasher detergent drop and start mixing and churning the colors.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

what I achieved during the holidays

I went biking with my dad. While biking I realized that I wasn't in Hornby anymore but the same route we somethings take to go to the area of my old house.

so my achievement was I had biked more than a mile. My dad said that was only 5 minutes which i could not believe. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Home Learning Reading: day 1

2 days on the shutdown our teacher gave us work to do over the shutdown.
 one of those task was this ANZAC Mascots. And me and mark worked together to do it.
  Here it is.

Monday, February 24, 2020

all about me-2020

Hello readers
A few days ago we started a all about me project thing.
We had 4 sections, one about something that you love, the next one was your first memory, the third one was a fun fact and the last one was something that makes you laugh. 
But we had to described it more.
This one is mine